peace calmness

May the Peace Be with You

The world has grown more surreal every day since the onset of COVID-19. Watching the current presidential race in America is dizzying.

Despite knowing that life is beautiful and we are blessed in many ways, I cannot help but feel a profound sadness and helplessness about the state of the world. Perpetual wars and conflicts break my heart, and the frustration mounts as our governments attempt to resolve issues through more violence and weapons. These actions often serve the financial interests of a few while failing to protect the most vulnerable: innocent children. We are manipulated to live in fear and division, which is the antithesis of yogic philosophy and values based on unity and love.

Allowing myself to feel these emotions and reflect on them, I always arrive at one conclusion: this is the most crucial time to turn to our yoga and spiritual practice, to find inner stability, a moral compass, and peace within. Only then can we contribute to making this world a more peaceful and loving place. Only then can we step into our purpose. My purpose is to teach yoga, meditation, and self-development, as well as to train yoga teachers. I am more committed than ever. The science of yoga can help bring clarity, connection, and peace to this confused world.

Mantra and chanting are integral parts of our yoga practice. In this love letter, I would like to share a special peace prayer with you. I have read it at festivals this year, and many of you requested the translation. The Shanti Mantra, Om Dhyauh Shanty, is a prayer for universal peace found in the Yajur Veda.

The essence of this mantra is the understanding that peace in the outer world and peace within us are connected: each supports the other. By chanting and reflecting on Shanti—peace—we ask to experience it within ourselves and our environment and carry it into the world we all share. We literally start vibrating on the frequency of peace. If the whole mantra is too complicated for you, just focus on chanting oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ 11 times or more.

 Oṁ dyauḥ śāntir antarikṣaguṁ śantiḥ

prthivī śāntir āpaḥ śāntir oṣadhayaḥ śāntiḥ

vanaspatayaḥ śāntir viśve devāḥ śāntir brahma śāntiḥ

sarvaguṁ śāntiḥ śāntir eva śāntiḥ sā mā śāntir edhi.

oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ

May the heavens: the sun, moon, stars galaxies and all zodiac signs be in peace and harmony. May the space between the earth and the sun, moon and stars be peaceful and without pollution. May our mother earth be happy and peaceful and free from all pollution. May all the waters be peaceful and free from pollution – the oceans, rivers, drinking water and rain, with no acid rain. May all the medicinal herbs and plants be in their natural state and be free from pollution. May the whole vegetable kingdom, especially all trees and forests, be in a natural state, healthy and free from disease due to pollution. May all the elements – earth, water, fire, air and ether – and all the cosmic forces be in peace and harmony, without pollution. May our body, mind and soul and all of existence be in peace and harmony, free from pollution. May everything, in and out, be peaceful and in natural harmony, without pollution. May peace itself be real peace, not artificially maintained by military and police forces or balance of nuclear power. And last but not least, may that natural peace, harmony and unity blossom and flourish through us. oṁ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ śāntiḥ: peace – physically, mentally and spiritually.

Translation & interpretation by Shri Brahmananda Sarasvati