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Do we still need International Women's Day

Do we still need International Women's Day? While a lot has been achieved since 1911, there is still much work to be done. This day serves as a reminder to continue standing up for justice, visibility, and empowerment.

How not to worry

Do you worry a lot? At some point in life, we’ve all felt the weight of this paralyzing force—for some, it’s a short struggle, for others, it’s a constant reality.

New Moon Magic

Today marks the first new moon of the year – and it’s a very special one. In Vedic astrology, it is called Mauni Amavasya, which means “Silent New Moon.”

Today is a good day to say thank you

Did you know that Thursday is called Guruvara in Sanskrit? "Guru" means teacher, learning, and the light-bringing principle, while "Vara" means day. This makes Thursday the day of the Guru – a perfect time for growth, learning, and gaining new insights.

A Little Breathing Break

Feeling the end of the year overwhelm yet? 🫠

With Christmas just 2 weeks away and New Year's around the corner - are you feeling the end of the year overwhelm yet? ...

Was ist Mantra Japa?

1. Mantra Japa ist eine Meditationstechnik bei der ein Mantra (heilige Silbe) oder eine Affirmation wiederholt wird, um den Geist zu beruhigen und zu fokussieren.

What is Mantra Japa?

Mantra Japa is a meditation technique where a mantra (sacred syllable) or an affirmation is repeated to calm and focus the mind. "Japa" means "murmur" or "whisper". The mantra is recited either aloud, whispered, or mentally. Traditionally, a mala, a string of 108 beads (made of wood, seeds, gemstones), is used to count the repetitions. Thus, this meditation technique is also known as Japa Mala.

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