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Are you stuck in the 'social media trap'?

Did it really happen if you didn’t put it or see it on Instagram (tiktok, facebook &co.)? If you’ve noticed like I recently have that you have a problem without your smartphone and you started thinking in Instagram pictures, you’re in a good company.

Wer triggert dich?

Nur die Personen, die sich wie wir selbst, unsere Familie oder unsere Lieben verhalten, werden etwas in uns triggern. Deshalb ist es wichtig, jeden, der uns triggert, genau unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Denn es geht dabei immer um UNS! Es gibt etwas in dieser Person, das wir "sehen" und uns zu eigen machen müssen  – nämlich den Teil von uns, von dem wir uns abgekoppelt haben - unseren Schatten.

A short practice for better sleep

These days, it may feel as though frustration and anxiety has become an inherent part of our every day life. Whether we’re watching...

Feeling depleted. DO THIS.

With Christmas less than 2 weeks away and New Year's around the corner - are you feeling the end of the year overwhelm yet? ...

When you’re feeling stuck

2020 has been a year like no other. You may feel more often stuck than usually. Whatever the outer circumstances, when we feel stuck...


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