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Women's Health, Femininity, and Empowerment (50 Hours Yoga Immersion)

Yoga and Modern Spirituality for the Female Soul: Health, Empowerment, and Self-Love


This Immersion offers a specialization in addressing the unique needs of women in yoga. You will learn how to specifically support female health, hormonal balance, and well-being throughout all stages of life. Through specialized yoga, Ayurveda, holistic approaches, and feminine archetypes as well as mythological storytelling and chanting, you will strengthen not only your body but also self-confidence and inner power, helping women achieve greater empowerment.

The intensive week of this transformative training takes place on the magical island of Mallorca, a place filled with powerful feminine energy. In this inspiring seaside environment, it will be easier for you to connect with your creative power, feminine intuition, and sensuality—away from the everyday hustle—to rediscover the depth of your feminine soul and experience healing.

With a manual and Yoga Alliance continuing education credits.

You will learn and explore:

Deepening Your Practice & Feminine Embodiment

Asana practice tailored to women's needs, fitness for women, connecting with body wisdom & feminine intuition

Mythology, Mantra & Storytelling

Goddess archetypes and their stories, Mantra magic, chanting, dancing, rituals

Women's Health & Cycle Awareness

Pelvic health, Hormonal balance & the different cycles of womanhood, Pregnancy, perimenopause, menopause

Mental & Emotional Balance

Overcoming subconscious patterns, Women in relationships,

Holistic Approach to Women's Wellbeing

Yin Yoga, Restorative Yoga, Pranayama, Ayurvedic wisdom for women, Western & TCM medicine

Community & Sisterhood

Connecting with like-minded women, Sharing, support & growing together



22. - 28. June 2025



Sadhana Works Studio, Mallorca, Spain



808 € (without accommodation/ catering)


Gabriela Bozic

Feminine Embodiment, Asana, Pranayama, Meditation, Mythologie & Göttinen-Archetypen

Gabriela Bozic, MA, Gabriela Bozic ist eine der beliebtesten Yogalehrerinnen Deutschlands, und auch international dafür bekannt, mit großer Kompetenz, Liebe und einzigartigem Humor zu unterrichten. Als Lehrerin, Speakerin, Unternehmerin, Autorin und Mutter konzentriert sie sich besonders auf die Wirkung und Umsetzung von Yoga im Alltag. Daher sind Stunden mit ihr besonders wertvoll: Hier lernt man nicht nur für die Matte, sondern für das Leben. Seit 20 Jahren unterrichtet sie weltweit Retreats, Workshops, Seminare und Ausbildungen. Sie hat einen Master-Abschluss in Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Psychologie und war Mitgründerin der ersten europäischen Jivamukti Yoga Studios in München 2002.

Als Lehrerin, die vor allem aus Enthusiasmus und Erfahrung schöpft, unterrichtet sie auf Augenhöhe mit den Menschen auf der Matte: humorvoll, nahbar und auf moderne Weise inspirierend.

Die lebensbejahende Herzlichkeit ihrer Methode verbindet anatomisch korrekte Ausrichtung mit spiritueller und psychologischer Tiefe. In puncto Lifestyle zeigt sie, dass Schönheit nicht absolut ist, sondern im Auge des Betrachters liegt - und weit darüber hinaus in etwas, das universell ist. Dieser Optimismus steckt an – und motiviert in ihren Stunden zum Lachen, Tanzen, Schwitzen, Singen und echtem Loslassen. Als Schlüssel zu ihrem Ansatz beschreibt sie „Empowering“: Die Unterstützung der Yogaschüler zu einem Leben in Wahrhaftigkeit, Vertrauen und Liebe – immer realistisch mit den Herausforderungen eines (noch) nicht ganz erleuchteten Lebensstils verbunden.

Von ihrer Homebase München und der ganzen Welt aus schreibt sie einen beliebten Blog sowie Fachartikel für verschiedene Magazine.

Felicia Walker

Bhakti Yoga, Chanten und Mantra

Felicia lebt und unterrichtet Yoga in Berlin. Seit ihrer Geburt 1994 in München wurde Felicias Leben familiär von yogischen Lebensgrundsätzen und Spiritualität geprägt.

Schon als Kind besuchte Felicia die Kinderyoga Klassen im Sivananda Yogazentrum München und chantete von Anfang an mit Begeisterung Mantras mit ihrer Mutter, die ebenfalls Yogalehrerin ist.
Persönlichkeitsprägende Erfahrungen konnte sie schon während ihrer Schulzeit auf Reisen sowie bei längeren Aufenthalten in Ashrams (Osho) sammeln.
Nach dem Abitur 2013 an der Rudolf-Steiner Schule in München entdeckte sie ein Jahr lang die Welt mit dem Rucksack. Dabei reifte der Entschluss die 300 h Jivamukti Yoga Lehrer Ausbildung in Rhinebeck, New York bei Sharon Gannon, David Life und Petros Haffenrichter zu durchlaufen.
Das 500 h Apprenticeship bei Jivamukti Yoga München rundete die Ausbildung ab.
An der LMU in München vertiefte Felicia ihre Sanskrit Kenntnisse im Rahmen des Studiums Buddhistische und Südasiatische Studien.

Amber Sawyer

Pelvic health, female cyclical nature, pregnancy, postpartum

As an embodimente facilitator, Amber offers prenatal / postpartum yoga teacher trainings, courses and retreats for pelvic health, pregnancy, postpartum & peri/post menopause. It is her passion to guide women to connect with their cyclical nature, to evolve their understanding of natural life transitions and to experience each stage with wonder, intuition & empowerment. Amber shares the joy of living through holistic practices of yoga, active meditations, and pre/postnatal birth support. With 25 years of study and practice in Yoga, Ayurveda and Meditation, as well as a PhD in Biomedical Engineering in the field of stem-cell tissue repair, Amber brings a unique perspective on healing and self-discovery through the influence of scientific and ancient wisdoms.

Mirjam Wagner

TCM & Yin Yoga, peri- and menopause, hormonal health

Mirjam Wagner is an internationally recognized therapist, author and yoga teacher with a deep passion for women’s health and empowerment. She integrates Osteopathy, Chinese Medicine, Yoga, Buddhism, Meditation and Mindfulness to bridge scientific principles with holistic healing.

Mirjam’s mission is to guide women into their full potentital by providing valuable knowledge about the body, psyche and energy systems. With clarity and depth, she teaches the interplay between hormones, organ health and emotional well-bein, combining Western and Eastern medicine with feminine wisdom.

Since 2004 Mirjam lives in Palma de Mallorca and shares her work through international courses, retreats, personal guidance and online platforms. Her book Yin for Life has been translated into different languages and has been published worldwide.

Mariana Salinas

Subconscious patters, emotional healing

Mariana grew up in Mexico City and has a solid academic background including two master's degrees in psychotherapy and a PhD in Modern Literature with a dissertation on the relationship between Language and Cultural Identity, as well as numerous certifications as a Meditation Instructor, Craniosacral Therapist, Traditional Shamanic Healing Techniques and Master of Kundalini Yoga.

With her profound spiritual wisdom and magnetic presence, Mariana stands ready to guide the spiritual wave across the continents.

"We need women who are so strong that they can be gentle, so educated that they can be humble, so fierce that they can be compassionate, so passionate that they can be rational, and so disciplined that they can be free. We need uncommon women. And here you are. And how deeply reassuring to me it is to know that wherever we go - there you will be" - Kavita Ramdas

All information at a glance


Beginning Sunday, 22. June, 9.00, ending Saturday, 28. June, 12.00


Sadhana Works
Palma de Mallorca

Timetable example

8:30 – 12:00/12:30h Meditation, Morning Practice, goddess archetypes, Shiva & Shakti

12:30 – 15:00h Lunchbreak

15:00 Uhr – 18:00h i.e. Pelvic Health, Hormonal Health, Fitness for Women, Subconscious Patterns, Women and Relationships, Yin Yoga, etc.


German & English
Parts of this seminar will be taught in English, German translation possible if needed. Can be English if English-speaking registrations are there.


808 € (without accommodation/ catering)


Arrival & accommodation

Getting here is very easy. From Palma Airport, you can reach the Sadhana Works studio by hire car or taxi. The journey from the airport to the studio takes around 15 minutes. If you decide to hire a car, we can recommend OK Mobility or Record Car.

Everyone is responsible for their own travel and catering. The retreat takes place at Sadhana Works Studio, in the centre of the beautiful old town of Palma with many different options for accommodation and catering.

After registration we will send you a list with information about the venue, nearby accommodation, restaurants and Gabriela's Mallorca tips.

We will also connect you with other participants of the retreat, all wonderful women who are embarking on this journey with you. You can use our WhatsApp group to exchange ideas and organise your travel plans, airport transfers, hotel bookings or shared Airbnb accommodation.

Register now →

“A woman's greatest revolution is to love herself.”

- Nayyirah Waheed

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